Tuesday, August 11, 2015

The Day Becky Baird Got Married - Or the Best Day EVER!

The Power Squad reunited for one of my favorite events possibly EVER - Becky Baird got married to Tom Dolan on August 4th in the Oakland Temple. We were ever so excited to be there with her in the temple as they were sealed. We started the trip with a fun dinner in the park the night before the wedding where Matt and I met Tom for the first time. We were also given name tags with hashtags to describe who we were - they were awesome and completely Becky Baird, who has the most creative hashtags of all time. Mine was #bestroommate and Matt's was #stoleshannon.  Becky met Henry for the first time - I can't wait to be the Aunt Shannon to one of her little munchkins! 

The sealing was memorable to me for a few reasons - one, the sealer mentioned that people who have passed on were aware of this day, and were even present. We all immediately thought of Becky's mom.  The second thing that stood out to me was how Tom's eyes never left Becky's face - she had her back to us, so we could see Tom best.  I can't wait to get to know Tom better, but I can tell one thing from that look on his face in the temple - he is ALL in and loves our Becky Baird.

Since we are from Vegas, the photographer rightly assumed we were a sassy bunch, and told us to put our hands on our hips

The reception was epic - instead of a traditional reception, Becky asked for a "dinner and a show," inspired by Oh Judy the Musical, the show we performed for her birthday one year with songs and skits dedicated to Becky.  So I can only blame myself when she asked about ten of her friends to put on a number, anything we wanted, for the reception.

 Our friends Ken and Katie Craig were the emcees and they were absolutely hilarious - complete with outfit changes after each number.

We all found it significant that we were at table 10 - a perfect 10! And that we had our "friends" Coke can placed just right for this photo at the reception, held in the Vacaville Opera House.

Jen Wagner and I made up a parody about Becky, set to songs from Wicked, the musical we all saw together on a trip to New York. We took parts from five songs and spliced them together.  Then, we all sent photos to our friend Marcie who created a slideshow to go along with the words. I have never been more intimated in all my life to get up on stage - we were performing alongside people who were TRAINED in theatre and the performing arts... but with love in our hearts for Becky, we tried our very best. I think it turned out just great! I will try to add the lyrics and the slideshow sometime soon -and we hope to see the wedding reception video sometime soon too! All of the songs were so great - some funny and some serious but all dedicated to Becky. That girl has some seriously loyal friends, which shows just how much we all love her!
That time I totally cut off Tom so I could stand next to Becky...

Hopefully we will have even more pictures soon once we get them from Becky - Hint hint!

1 comment:

Emily said...

Great re-cap, Shan! You and Jenn did great, and it was an awesome celebration for Becky and Tom. What a blast to be with the Power Squad again!