Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Kid Quotes

Miles and Claire were arguing in the back of the van like they do and Miles randomly said, "Besides SHE keeps her underwear in her socks!" He was looking at Claire when he said it but then she said, "How am I supposed to
know what that even means? Besides, you used a PRONOUN. You could have been talking about anyone!" 

Claire on Mismatch Day 

Penelope was stuck up on the kitchen counter and needed help down but she got herself up there so I said she could get herself down. She said, "Miles when you were a little boy and I was a mom, I helped YOU get down from the counter... " Like he owed her his help now for this past favor.

Claire ate part of Penelope's breakfast burrito and she wasn't supposed to. I told her to give P the burrito and Claire said- sorry I ate it. Penelope said, "Thank you for your HONESTY!!" Just like in Mr. Peabody and Sherman- this kid quotes movies and at the right time.  

Penelope has decided that each color of Fruit Loops gives you a special power. I am pretty sure she made these up on her own and she has stayed consistent with the meanings over several weeks. She said, "Yellow makes you calm, red makes you breathe fire and the green ones turn you into a bush. Purple turns you into stone." Matt tried to guess one- Do the blue ones make you turn into "Let it Go (P's name for Elsa)?" She said, "Uh no Dad. THAT is not real. The blue ones turn your sweater blue. And orange ones make you crazy." So now you know. 


Emily said...

Duh, Matt! THAT is not real! Hilarious!

Ali said...

Hi-larious! I love all these kid quotes!