Saturday, November 28, 2015

Kid Quotes- Penelope Edition

Penelope loves drinking soda (grrrr) and the other day she took a sip of Matt's diet coke and said, "Dad - that spiced me up!"

Here she is licking up her Parmesan cheese at Blaze Pizza... I think she liked it... 

Penelope was on the toilet yesterday with the door open- as usual. She started talking like a robot. "Time. To. Wipe. Beep."

Penelope has an old cell phone she plays on. I said, "Who are you calling?" She said, "Someone needs help. I'm callin' the fire boys! They help people cause they have water." She said it like fiiire boyzzzzz. 

I just think it's funny that Penelope calls rhinoceros "nocer-isos"- like she reverses the syllables. 

I announced to the kids that they were getting hair cuts, and I asked Penelope, "How should we cut your hair?" She said, "With scissors!" Well duh mom! 

I asked Penelope to put an extra toy back while shopping in the Target dollar section and she rolled her eyes and said, "Yes your Majesty! ...and then kind of under her breath she added, "My mom likes me to say that to her." I can only wonder what our fellow bargain shoppers thought... 

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