Sunday, January 24, 2016

Cat in the Hat Field Trip

I got to be a chaperone at Miles's first grade field trip to see The Cat in the Hat at The Smith Center. I said I was willing to chaperone but would have to rearrange my work shedule a bit if they needed me. Well, when my name was drawn out of a hat to be one of two chaperones, I had to make it happen! 

I think he was happy to have me there and he sat by me for most of the time. The bus ride was craaaazy. These kids were EXCITED! 

We pulled up to The Smith Center only to be told we had to wait on the bus for 40 minutes. An eternity! I thought we were doomed but the teachers did some math and spelling  competitions to keep them busy (Miles was the only one from his class begging to go up again to challenge the other kids at their Math Facts). With five minutes to kill, I got out my Frozen soundtrack on my phone and we (eh, the girls at least) had a sing-a-long to Let it Go. I was instantly popular. :) 

The show itself was slow and a bit boring- though the premise to use your imagination for play was cool, it meant little to no props or background art and not a lot of dialogue. 

At one point I heard Miles say to the girl next to him, "This is boring!" And she said, "Yeah, this should have been for the  kindergarteners." 

But I was glad I went - unpaid time off and all. I just can't seem to catch up and accrue any time off after maternity leave and Christmas break. 

I haven't been able to do any classroom volunteering so this was a great way to finally meet these kids I've been hearing about. Like now I know that Jewel is a boy and Alex is a girl. And Fershad is really a boy's name, not a way Miles was mispronouncing Rashad. And that now I can see why Miles's teacher Mrs. Garrett told me she wishes she had a classroom full of kids just like Miles. She has some characters this year! 

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