Saturday, June 2, 2007

Prego Friends

Everyone says that pregnant women naturally become friends with other pregnant women, and form bonds that help them stay friends over the years.

I think it's even more fun when friends that I already have are pregnant at the same time - I have at least four good friends and a sister in law pregnant right now with me, and we can talk about being pregnant, baby stuff, and still have other things to talk about since we've been friends for so long.

I got to visit with my friend Ali Steed Bailey in California over Memorial Day weekend. She is due in less than two weeks, and it was so fun to see her glowing with that pregnancy beauty. Here we are in our matching pink and black outfits.

Good luck this month Ali!


Emily said...

Hello from another pregnant friend! Hope things are going well. Hey, we're down to about a hundred days. That feels soooo good huh?!


Emily said...

Oh, and since we tried to help you guys narrow down your list of names (just not Aubin, please), here's what we like so far. I won't tell you who likes what, that way you and Matt don't have to take sides based on who you like better :)


That's it. Only two names that we can both kinda agree on!

Mere said...

Hi Shannon,
I like to show Matt these pictures. It's like looking into the future. We just paste my face over yours and viola, it's me in 40 days.

You're looking great!