Friday, November 2, 2007

Sorry CS Lewis....

So, Claire was a Lion, I was a Witch, so we decided Matt had to be a Wardrobe... this inspiration came a bit too late, so I was out shopping at 4 pm when we had a 6 pm Halloween party to go to at church. So, how do you make a Wardrobe costume? Matt came up with a clever idea - he could wear a robe, and then at our church party, he could wear a "Pinnacle Ward" sign... get it... ward-robe... yeah, it was a stretch. But we had fun. I realized too late that we never got a picture of the whole family, so you'll just have to see how cute Claire was as a little lion. She was very snug in her costume, but did not like keeping her paws on.


Anonymous said...

That's pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. Fantastic idea. I may have to steal it sometime!

Anonymous said...

That's pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen. Fantastic idea. I may have to steal it sometime!

Emily said...

What a cute little lion! I love lion, witch and ward-robe ideas! Very creative!

Anonymous said...

Shannon, my Friend!! Holly sent me your blog with your family pictures Your baby is precious! You are sooo pretty! What a good looking husband!! Dorothy Busath!