Saturday, February 23, 2008

Double Trouble

Claire has two ear infections - Matt took her to the doctor on Friday because she kept pulling at her ears. I thought she might just be enjoying her new-found ear lobes, since she never had a fever or got grouchy about it. The doc said that is the case for about 80% of the patients that come in for ear infections, but Claire had one in both ears. So, we get to give her the yummy, sticky, pink antibiodics. I don't think kids her age really care for bubble gum flavor just yet...

Anyway - we are on the road to recovery. And we got to find out her weight - 18 pounds!


Emily said...

Oh my gosh I am so sorry! Poor girl! Good think you took her in...that must be miserable for her. I hope she feels better soon!

Did you go play b-ball on Thursday...I totally forgot!

Anonymous said...

Way to go Chunky Monkey! I hate ear infections. I thought I did everything right, and Katie got them like crazy. She ended up with tubes. Augh! Get better and stay better sweet Claire.

Alifinale said...

Seriously...she is 18 pounds! I love it! Emery was 18 pounds when she turned 1. I am saying I am jealous because I wished my baby had more rolls to kiss on.

So sorry she was sick but how lucky that she wasn't too fussy about it. Ear infections are hard to detect so glad you caught hers.

Jacqui said...

Oh, cute little chubby baby! She's tall, too, isn't she?

Sad about the happens to the best of them. Glad she's on the antibiotics. Hope she feels better soon!!

Emily said...

You are totally right about the medicine. The bubblegum flavor isn't really appealing to 5 month olds! Try putting it in a bottle. Reagan gets a bottle right before bed (thanks to my BFF breast-pump!) and I mix her meds in that. She doesn't seem to notice at all.