Saturday, February 9, 2008


So, Claire has a tooth - well, actually two. She cut one bottom tooth when we were at Disneyland, and I could see another one coming through - and then this week I felt both of them. She is only 4 1/2 months - isn't this early to be getting one, let alone two teeth? I just hope she doesn't bite me!

They are just so cute - but it is totally going to change the way she looks. I love that gummy huge smile she has - good thing I have a ton of pictures from her first 4 months to remember it. Time is flying by!!


Emily said...

I can't believe she's already getting teeth! I think it's pretty normal for some kids to get their teeth early. Easton waited for such a long time (9 months), I thought he would be toothless forever!

Don't worry, her smile will still be cute and just keep on getting cuter!

Anonymous said...

Katie got her first teeth at four months. She did bite me. Good luck. I agree, although the gummy grin is gone you will totally fall in love with the big toothy grin.

kh said...

No way!!!

Jacqui said...

Love it! My kids never get teeth until around 7-8 months. Ali's kids get hers around 3 months! So cute!!

After her bottom two came in, Liv got her upper teeth that are on the sides of the middle teeth before her middle teeth. She looked like a hippo!! :)

Eliza keeps biting the snot out of me, but nothing has cut through yet. Claire is a cutie-patootie.

Alifinale said...

Her first 2 teeth! Teething is not so fun and seems to be never ending. I think a lot of kids get teeth that early, Emery got hers a little before 6 months. Then she got a couple on top and skipped to her molars, that was not fun. Her smile is so cute and will get even cuter with her 2 teeth stickin' out.

PS, love the meal ideas. Thanks!

Mere and Matt said...

I've been thinking about making Matt take us to Vegas for a spring trip, but not if your vicious little girl is going to be biting us...those little nubs look DANGEROUS. :)

Kara said...

I can't believe she let you take a picture of her teeth! I can barely get a look or feel in Nathan's mouth without getting bit!