Monday, July 14, 2008

First Pedicure

I have been waiting so long to paint Claire's toenails - I guess doing it when she was immobile would have been easier, but she just seemed too little before. Maybe she's too little still, but it is dang cute!


Cecily said...

I want to do Lexi's, but she loves eating her toes! So i guess I'll just have to wait..... :-(

Mere and Matt said...

Fancy, fancy. I'm tempted to paint John's, but I know Matt would sooner cut off John's toes than have polish on them.

Belinda said...

I found your blog through I think 3 other blogs. Anyhow - I painted Macy's finger and toe nails at about 2 weeks old. When she was born her finger nails were so long and peole thought it was mean to not cut them (she hardly ever scratched herself) but I have never had good pretty nails so I just loved hers. I would piant them with quick dry polish while she was asleep. I think your little gilrs toes are soo cute!

Jacqui said...

stinkin cute!!!!!