Monday, July 14, 2008

Girls Camp

Girls Camp for our ward was last week - we went to Camp Potosi, traditionally a Boy Scout camp, about 45 minutes or so from Vegas. So still hot, still the desert. I went up one day - Thursday. We totally lucked out - we got cloud cover and even a few sprinkles of rain to cool us off. I guess the other days were really hot.

Rachel Walker was our camp director with Margo Carlson as the cook. Shelly Melgar and I were moral support. :) But I was left to wonder - was I like this as a kid? After you read this short list of things I observed in my 8 short hours at camp, I hope the answer is no:

1. Farting contests
2. Vomit conversations
3. Screaming over and over - get me some licorice! when the container is 6 feet away
4. Crying over not knowing the rules to Uno (who doesn't know the rules to Uno?!)
5. Discussions of how long it has been since they showered, said with pride
6. Tripping and falling - a lot
7. Tripping and falling - into a cactus
8. Plotting pranks that involved snipe hunting, honey in shoes, and feathers brought from home (totally pre-meditated - too much Law and Order for me? Maybe).
9. Running away from camp because of disgust at #1 and #2
10. Fighting over pizza brought up by the Bishopric - who only brough 3 pizzas for about 15 people. Girls eat more like boys than they realized...

All in all it seemed like the girls had fun - I think the honey and feather prank pulled that last night landed them in some hot water, but I guess that's all part of the experience. What will next year bring?!


Emily said...

Ah girls camp. And think, you were only there for a day and you got to experience all of that. It's funny to me to think of 15 girls and 3 pizzas...craziness.

~ kietra ~ said...

Wow! Good times there! Our girls camp is next week. Do you have a calling in young womens? How fun to have those memories. And I have to say... of course we were not that bad when we were teenagers!!

Kara said...

I had a little bit of this same chat with Rachel the other day in Wal-Mart! I used to LOVE girls' camp! I don't think I was quite like that, but I did like to pull some pranks. I was smart and got my leaders involved in the pranks though. One of my famous pranks involved syrup! Sounds like too fun to be "crying" though.

Mere and Matt said...

Oh yes, I think I was involved with most of those numbers in the past. Except #1 and #2. Why, girls, why? There are enough boys in the world to cover those topics thoroughly.

Becky said...

Sounds kind of familiar actually, Shan. :) Those were the good ol' days when all we did worry about was getting some more liccorice or enough pizza, or who had the best farts. Actually I think we were too much of ladies to talk of such things. It was a buzz to us, anyway. But it all sounds fun.

Belinda said...

My husband always thinks I buy too much pizza. Is there such a thing as too much pizza? Now I can say its better to have too much than not enough!

Jenn said...

So now that we officially met last night, I can stalk your blog:). You can check out mine at Your little Claire is adorable, and the pics of girls camp look like so much fun.

J.B. said...

WOW! Thanks for the 10 agenda items to discuss in next week's bishopric meeting!