No, not my favorite NBC show, but my actual home office. Claire is usually with me two days a week while I work- and I basically let her play with whatever is around that will keep her attention. I let her take every last thing out of a previously organized basket, folder, file or really anything because I know she will take everything out one at a time, giving me time to finish that all important email... really, not that important in the long run, but for the short-term it's paying the bills.
Anyway, here is Claire playing with her office "toys" - a great box. We don't have a ton of toys for Claire - mostly because I think so many toys are loud and annoying. Matt put together Claire's bouncy swing months ago and purposefully left out the batteries so it wouldn't light up and play music every time she bounced. She is probably missing out on critical auditory development, right? Well, she does dance to music all the time so something is working. I'll have to try to get that on film -her little shake-shake is soooo cute!
Shannon, that first picture, is exactly you. I have some pics from the albums mom made us where you are making that face. So cute.
Toys, shmoys. She obviously has some very important work to do with that box!
And I totally agree with Becky - that first picture looks exactly like you. Wittle tiny shanny poo.
I love her box. Looking at our house nearly overrun with toys, I agree completely. I did, however, find something to make me not feel so guilty for limiting his toys. It's this toy rental service called It's like Netflix for toys--choose 4, keep them for a month, return them and get 4 more. We've been trying it out and like it so far--by the time the toys really annoy you, you get to send them back!
I agree that most modern toys can be very annoying, I admit to hiding a few, or opps "misplacing" some. I love the non-toys, such a boxes, measuring cups and spoons, paper,etc. She is looking more grown up all the time!
Hi Shannon. Sorry it's taken me so long to get back to you we have been out of the country. I would love to help you get some info to ease your Mama's mind. I think I will just give you my sister in laws email address and you or your Mom can email her with you questions and such. She lives there now with her two boys so she will be very helpful. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. Oh and tell Matt HI. Her name is Jenny and her email is
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