Saturday, August 1, 2009

Gymnastics Class

We enrolled Claire in a 4 week gymnastics class - basically a tumbling class for Toddlers - at a local community rec center. The parent's participate as well, and although at one time I could do a pretty mean round-off back handspring (I did gymanstics from 3 years old to about 11, then discovered basketball!), I am in no shape to crawl around with the kids. So, Matt and Claire have been tearing it up with the class - Friday was our second class.

At first we were worried she was too little, since the class is 18 months to 3 years - that's a pretty big developmental range. But Claire is already doing better at sitting still to hear the directions, and then taking turns. She jumps, runs, and climbs on everything at home, so this class is perfect :)

Claire's cousin Evie is also in the class (with MeMa) so they get to have a weekly play date.


Kara said...

What community center are you taking them at? I have really been wanting to get Nathan in a gymnastics class, but I want a good one. Are the instructors good and do you know if they have a class for older kids?

Christi said...

I want to know too. It looks like she is having a blast!!

Erick and Megan said...

That is so fun!! I want Lily to do that, she would totally love it!! What a great idea!

Mere and Matt said...

We have a little moms n' tots class here I took John to. It's fun to see them learn to follow directions even at such a young age.
Can we have a baby update??