Friday, October 16, 2009

Miles - 2 Months

Miles had his two month well-check and he is definitely catching up - his percentages are much higher than at one month.

Height: 23 inches (50%)

Weight: 12.5 lbs (50-75%)

Head: 39 1/2 inches (25-50%)

He is smiling and talking, lifting his head pretty good but is not ready for the bumbo chair just yet. Close though. The longest he has gone at night between feedings is 5 hours, and I was awake after 3 hours, then every hour after that to make sure he was breathing.

He is a pretty mellow baby - and very patient with us. He only really cries hard when he's very hungry or tired. I think the second child just has to be more patient than the first - at least I'm grateful that that seems to be the case with Miles so far. All in all, a happy baby.


Ali said...

What a cutie! I can't wait to meet him. How wonderful that your grandparents are all still around - that is pretty cool.

Erika said...

I'll say it over and over, he is just a beautiful baby.