Saturday, October 10, 2009

The Pumpkin Slide

September wasn't even over yet when the "Pumpkin Slide" across the street from our neighborhood started to go in. In Las Vegas, we don't let the fact that real pumpkin patches are practically non-existent in our desert community, oh no. We just ship one in and set it up across from the CVS Pharmacy. Add in a bouncy house, petting zoo and Claire's favorite, the blow up slide with a giant pumpkin on top, and you are good to go.

After a few weeks of driving past this corner attraction and hearing "Pumpkin Slide! Pumpkin Slide!" all day long, we decided to stop taking alternate routes home and just make a stop this week to check it out. It was actually set up pretty cute with places to take photos and lots of pumpkin displays.

Claire was too little to climb up the "steps" to the slide so Matt had to carry her on his back to the top. She hated the bouncy house and hated the petting zoo - which surprised me. So, now we have some extra tickets - guess we'll have to make another stop at our neighborhood pumpkin patch before too long.

Here is what Miles did the whole time - he is so good!


Alifinale said...

I love that she named it the pumpkin slide. I have been wanting to go there actually so I am glad to hear it was fun. And you got some great pictures. I would almost think it was a real pumpkin patch.

Miles couldn't be cuter.

Nicole said...

Gotta love the desert! Looks like fun.
Miles is so cute with his big brown eyes!

Erika said...

That looks like fun, and I'm sorry to say this, but Miles is beautiful. I know someday he'll be handsome, but he is a gorgeous baby.

Gabey the Baby said...

I can't believe how big Claire is!! Such a beautiful girl like her mama. And you had a boy!!! Wow, has it been that long since we were there? Do you hear from Kris?