Friday, March 26, 2010


Claire can ride a tricycle now! No more pushing with her feet - she uses the pedals and can go forwards and backwards. We will have to get it on video too. Mostly she is so excited to be part of the group of kids who play on our street. Previously rather annoying and loud, now the kids who are always playing in the street are tolerable because they play with Claire pretty well - she is the only girl and at least 3 years younger than any of the boys. We bribed them a bit with cookies and sidewalk chalk, but I think they like helping her ride her tricycle.


Kara said...

Yay Claire! Ride on over to our house and her and Nathan can have a little tricycle gang with our neighbor kids who are a little younger.

Erika said...

How can they resist her cute little face? I wish you guys lived down the street from me. My kids would be in heaven. I'd like having you nearby too.