Friday, May 7, 2010

Harry Potter

Yesterday Claire went over to our bookshelf and started pulling out a Harry Potter book - after watching the first movie many times, she knew it was Harry Potter by the writing on the front.

One of my favorite things is to listen to her "read" books, especially chapter books like this with very few pictures. Of course once I got the camera, she didn't do it the same, but this shows the general idea. I have two videos - the first is a quick version, the second is for those who are willing to watch a 2 minute video to see it in more detail. Miles makes a guest appearance or two - he is crawling and is pretty fast now. He also waves when you say hello to him - he will even do it if you don't wave to him first, but just say "hello."

So, without further ado, a Harry Potter reading. And sorry if it looks like this week's episode of Hoarders - our room is very crowded now that the home office is combined with our bedroom to make room for Miles.


Kara said...

I swear, what 2 year-old can quote Harry Potter books?? Claire is a genius and so dang cute too! Miles is HUGE too and so dang cute as well. Shannon, you and Matt make the cutest kids- you should have lots more of them!

Becky said...

TOO CUTE!! I love it. I especially love it when she says, "Ahh, Man!" when Miles gets in the way. Miles is waving and clapping and looks so big?! What? When did this all happen? It hasn't been that long since we saw you, has it? Tell Claire Bear that I love how well she is reading. :)

Erika said...

You have the cutest kids, at least two of the five cutest kids! I really don't know what else to say. That girl cannot just be two years old. She's so crazy smart! I wish we lived closer. Have I said that before?