Sunday, March 20, 2011

Claire Quotes

Claire recently learned from her cousin that the Spanish word for moon is "luna." But if you ask her, it's a proper noun, as in, "Mom, the moon's name is Luna. Where is Luna? I can't find her!" We went to the park at dusk the other night and the moon was out but behind the clouds. Matt was pushing Claire on the swings and Claire asked him where Luna was - he told her "At MeMa's house you can call it Luna, but at our house it's just the moon." Without missing a beat, Claire says, "And at the park, it's Moona!"

We went to our friend Shelly's house for lunch and a play date - we hadn't seen her in months. As we pull up to the house Claire says, "Mom, I might be a little shy when we get to Shelly's, so if I am being quiet, it's cause I'm shy." She takes a while to warm up to people sometimes, but I don't mind because she is usually more well behaved when she is "shy."

We were reading Peter Pan at bedtime and it reads something like - Wendy's father wanted her to grow up. Claire turns to me and says, dead serious, "That's exactly my problem too!"

"Mom, I am growing up really tall!"

As evidence of our Toy Story 3 addiction, when we were playing at the park the other day there was a pigeon nearby. Claire looks at the bird and says "What you lookin' at Feathers!"

Lately Claire has been making up songs - unfortunately none caught on video, to date. The latest song was about potty training and went something like this:

Going to the bathroom by myself, yeah, yeah!
Don't need help, no, no!
Don't need Dad's help,
Don't need Mom's help,
Don't need my help, yeah, yeah!

1 comment:

Kara said...

She's hilarious! You had lunch with Shelly, how's she doin? I miss her! Nathan pulled the shy thing on me once when I got back from my trip. I was dropping him off at preschool and he was hugging me saying, "Mom, I'm being shy today". Yeah Right!!