Saturday, April 16, 2011

Pre-Easter Egg Hunt

We got a head start on the holiday this morning with our ward Easter party, complete with Easter egg hunt and cold french toast (that's what we get for being there 15 minutes late I guess). It was the fastest ward party ever - I think the whole thing was done in less than 45 minutes. We were off to ballet afterward, so we couldn't have stayed longer anyway. It was a really nice day - and as Claire would say, it stopped "wind-ing" (it makes sense really - rain-ing, snow-ing, why not wind too?)so we could enjoy the warmer weather without a dust storm.

Miles was very intense while picking up eggs - I don't think he smiled once, but with that dang pacifier, who could tell? Claire took off on her own and didn't look back once. When did she get so big? Pretty soon she won't need me at all...sigh.

The kids had chocolate and lollipops for breakfast and had fun at the park, though they kept getting lured back to their baskets for more candy.

1 comment:

Emily said...

I still can't believe you did this (plus more) before ballet class. You are amazing.

Thanks for the dance pictures. I seriously love Saturdays. Our girls get to dance and jump around while we chat. Perfect!

Have a great Easter Hillers!!!