Sunday, April 17, 2011

????Questions and More Questions????

Claire is constantly asking me questions - constantly!! Lately she has been asking me to sing her a new song every night at bedtime. The old standbys aren't good enough anymore - no more Edelweiss, Somewhere Over the Rainbow, Jesus Wants Me for a Sunbeam, or A Spoonful of Sugar. I am running out of songs! Last night I sang The Sun Will Come Out Tomorrow - every third word, Claire had a question. "Mom, what's a bottom dollar?" "What's lonely?" "What's a cobweb?" I am glad she is curious, but bedtime already takes long enough without a 2 minute song turning into 10 minutes.

We are watching Sleeping Beauty this morning - in the first 9 minutes of the movie, she has already asked me at least 10 questions. "What's reason?" "Why is there wind?" "Why are they on horses?" "Where are they going all in black?" "Is it to see the princess?"

How do I encourage her to learn and ask about new things without going crazy answering her all day? I guess that is just being a mom - we just have to be patient and expect her to be super smart with all those answers filling up her mind:)


Ali said...

I love it! Isn't it so amazing to hear all the questions they have and see how their little minds are working? Cute!!!

Erick and Megan said...

We soooo have that going on around here. And not just yes and no questions that you can answer while doing 3 other things. Questions that require a significant amount of brain power to satisfy their growing minds. Now I understand when my mom used to say you are taking up all the air space!