Saturday, April 2, 2011

Go Team Gryffindor!

Claire's new Harry Potter jersey - given to her by Becky Baird, representative of all things fun in Orlando. She was in town for the weekend and came with gifts for the kids - including a chocolate frog. We are still working on it, Becky.

The back of the jersey says "Potter" and the front has "Gryffindor." Claire wore this shirt several days in a row, refusing to take it off until I insisted it needed to be washed. The whole time she wore it, she would tell me - Mom, I'm a team! Not ON a team, mind you. She is already competitive - guess it runs in the family. Just yesterday she told me she was going to play soccer this year and that her team would be the best. I did NOT say anything like that to her before - that was all Claire.


Becky said...

This is so funny. I can just hear her saying that she is a team.

Stephanie Carmi said...

I go to see if you've posted anything new and I realize I haven't done that in over a month! Thanks for all the updates - your kids are too adorable, Shannon! I'm proud of them myself, thank you very much!!

Beej said...
