Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Claire Quotes

Time for another round of "what will that girl say next?" I am starting to wish I had a hidden camera in my earrings or something so I could switch it on without Claire knowing, and capture the funny, random things she says all the time. Here are a few of them from the past week or so - unfortunately not caught on camera:

"Mom, can we go to Old McDonald's for lunch?" And then she insisted we sing the song.

Claire and I were looking at clothes for Miles and I had her choose between two outfits - she chose the one with a rugby style shirt with a jersey number on it over a striped shirt "because me and Miles are a team!"

She likes to make up stories that are basically one long run on sentence that combines very random things together, along with things she sees around her at the time. The other day she told me a story about some scary people who were in the woods and they were fighting and they were animals like bears all around, and then they got married. I said, "The bears got married?" "No silly, the people got married!"

"Mom, I want to be just like you when I grow up" (aahhh)

1 comment:

Jacqui said...

I agree with the earring camera--brilliant idea! I'd buy one! Babe is the same way. Soooo hilarious. I want to follow her around recording her every word.