Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Claire - Fourth Birthday Interview

What is your favorite color? Purple

What is your favorite activity? Decorating cookies

Who is your favorite singer? Ryan

What is your favorite song? I am a Child of God

What is your favorite movie? Alice in Wonderland

What is your favorite TV show? Cat in the Hat

What is your favorite book? The Perfect Dress (Step Into Reading Book about princesses)

What is your favorite food? Spaghetti

What don't you like to eat? Olives

What are you scared of? Ghosts

What is your favorite sport? Playing soccer

Who are your friends? Genevieve, Ryan, Reagan, Easton, Halle, McKinley, and Lily

What is your favorite restaurant? Cafe Rio

What does your mom do all day? Work, at work

What does dad do all day? Stays with us and goes to school

What do you like about preschool? Doing Show and Tell

What do you want to be when you grow up? A doctor

What is your favorite thing to wear? Jessie costume

1 comment:

Emily said...

Oh man I love that girl, HAPPY BIRTHDAY CLAIRE!!!

Cute interview, I should steal that.