Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Kiddo Quotes

Matt and the kids found one of the CDs we gave out at our wedding (that is probably a really old school thing to do now, huh?) and it has a picture of us on the case (the same picture of us is at the bottom of this blog). Miles said, "Who is that with dad?" And Claire said, "That's Dad's old girlfriend. Oh wait, that's mom!" And then she wistfully added, "They were so young then..." Ouch Claire, double ouch.

We have been making up bedtime stories - usually a variation on a classic story. For example, sometimes the three little pigs find houses in Las Vegas, living in the castle (Excalibur), the pyramid (Luxor), or the In-n-Out on Tropicana (that was Miles' house). So one night Claire was making up a story about a princess who had everything she ever wanted. She said, "The princess had a castle... and a backyard." Bless her little heart, she loves to play outside. I do wish we had a backyard for her.

Also, Claire has started using air quotes - she moves her fingers with each word, it's pretty funny because she knows how to use them correctly. I asked her where she learned that, or if she had seen me do that before - she said, "I don't... know??" But not in air quotes :)

While we were watching the Summer Olympics, we finally caught a men's basketball game. The USA vs. Spain (or team ESP as Claire called them  = Espana). Spain has a player named Serge Ibaka (ee-ba-ca). Miles heard the announcer say his name, and he started laughing at his own inside joke, "He he he - Star Wars!" Close buddy, very close.

The other day, Claire drew a picture of our neighbor, a very nice single dad who happens to be kind of tough to live next door to sometimes. She told Matt that she was going to draw an X threw him because he chooses to smoke and she doesn't like smoking. We tell her that people choose to smoke, but we don't. Same goes for alcohol, tattoos, etc.  Matt said - let's circle him instead so we can be his friend. She agreed that this was a good idea, but she said she would still put little X's near him for the things she didn't like (I am starting to think we talk too much about our neighbors in front of the kids). She had a reason for each of her X's - he smokes, his TV is too loud through the window, we find his cigarettes by our house, and his motorcycle is too loud. Time for a few 'Love Thy Neighbor' family home evening lessons.

1 comment:

Becky said...

I love these quotes!! Especially the one about the picture, ..."they were so young". Hilarious!!!