Saturday, February 16, 2013

Penelope - 9 Months Old!

What the what? This girl is already 9 months old - three quarters of her first year, gone in a flash! She is crawling everywhere! And she is getting four top teeth all at once to go with her two on the bottom, though every other tooth has cut through so far. She is snaggle tooth girl, big time. Nevermind her nose, which has been running for two weeks while she's teething. She is a very happy girl unless she's tired or hungry - which are pretty good reason to fuss, right? :)

Penelope knows "all done" in sign language and she likes to use it especially after taking just one bite of squash or carrots. I think she tried the sign for food the other day but I'm not positive yet. She waves goodbye - so cute! Fruit and yogurt are her favorite foods. She loves Cheerios and will occasionally have some apple juice. I swear she is really saying "mom" and "bye", and she throws up her arms when you say "How big is Penelope? Soooo big!" Here is a video of her showing off her skills - I hope it comes through.

Here are her latest stats:

Height: 28.25 inches (50-75%)
Weight: 20.0 lbs (50-75%)
Head: 45 cm (75-90%)

1 comment:

Beej said...

This baby is on my fridge, the screensaver on my phone, and the apple of my eye. How does she make snaggletooth adorable? Is that like baby cellulite? Only cute on babies? Anyway, Penelope is freakin awesome. The video of her laughing killed me.