Thursday, May 16, 2013

Miles Moments

I finally captured Miles saying one of his go-to phrases - you ask him to do something, and he says, "Of course yes!" and he says it really quickly, like it's almost one word. I was having him make his ABCs out of Cheetos, which is as fun as it sounds, and I asked him to do an L and he says, "Of course yes!" and then eats his letters.

Miles was watching a video of old school cartoons and one program is like a Scooby Doo knock off, with four kids, a dog and a lot of meddling. But there is also a ghost that helps them solve the mysteries. I asked Miles if he was scared of the ghost and he said, "No, he's not scary, he's a nice ghost - like the Holy Ghost."

He told me the other day that a block of legos he had made was his "letter texter" - it took me a second to figure it out, but he had made a phone to send text messages.

The other day I noticed that there was a small dent in the wall right above where our ottoman (that also has storage compartments) sits against the wall. Miles had been messing around with the compartment lids for days and I knew he had somehow dented the wall so I got after him for it. When my dad was in town, Miles told him, "See that hole in the wall? My mom thinks I did it, but it was really some birds." Hmm, really, how would birds do that? "With their beaks, and their wings - they are Angry Birds." Oh Miles.

1 comment:

Stephanie Carmi said...

how cute is that kid? and I love your quiet "mm-hmm's", shan, such a good mommy.