Monday, May 6, 2013

New Motto and Month 4 Results

After more than three months without treats, I decided that I couldn't ban sugar forever. The way I saw it, I better let sweets back into my life in moderation so I can be "normal" with my dessert consumption and not turn my kids into those weird "no sugar" kids. We all had that friend growing up who only got carob and applesauce cookies and then they went crazy whenever they had real treats.

So I made some sugar cookies with that delicious cream cheese strawberry frosting that I made for Betty's birthday (something I had been craving so I thought it would be worth it). I just ate a few cookies that day, and felt pretty dang good about my self-control. But, I had let the monster back in. And then I went a little crazy. Combine that sugar monster with a general feeling of contentment at having lost more than 30 lbs, fitting into old clothes and getting a few people to notice I was thinner, and I just wasn't trying as hard. Too bad I have 40 lbs to lose still - not the time to give up. It's gonna take some time and I need to jump start that motivation again. 

I think it is easier for me to cut out instead of cut down at this point. I pretty much stayed the same weight for the past four weeks, gaining and losing the same pound each weekly weigh in. We like to call this "maintaining" in Weight Watchers. I can't call it a plateau because I wasn't doing my best to lose. And though I was eating way too much in my "I'm going to start tomorrow so I better make today worth it" phase, I could tell my body was not happy.

WW will tell you that you can eat anything you want, in moderation, but I just don't think I'm ready for all that decision making power. It's easier for me to just say no.  

Soooo, the last four weeks of weight loss = 0 lbs. Bit of a downer, but I have re-committed and rejoined Weight Watchers (for the fifth time) as of Saturday. And this was the handout they gave us - appropriate, don't you think?

1 comment:

Kara said...

We need to get together!! I need my Shannon motivation- I am about to get going on something. I've got to lose some pounds and feel better about myself before I have to put a swimsuit on this summer! Weight watchers always worked for me and I agree, it's got to be all or nothing with me. I have no self-control! Especially when it comes to sugar cookies!! You have done great though! Keep it up girl, I'm so proud of you!