Saturday, June 15, 2013

Goal Update

Unfortunately I don't have any weight loss to report for last month, but I did want to note a goal accomplished that I forgot to post. I can now wear both my engagement ring and my wedding ring together! I am so happy that I can wear them again - I really felt weird to not have them on. Now then, when did my hands start looking like an old lady's?

I am getting strict with my eating habits again - DAY ONE! as I always say. Starting over, trying to not let small slips ruin my whole day and then the whole week - I am an all or nothing person with so many things in my life and I hope I can change that someday. So, since I have been just doing the "nothing" side for awhile, it's time for a little bit of the "all." It's already the middle of June - where has this year gone? I was supposed to be almost at my goal soon... alas, back to basics with DAY ONE.

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