Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Fabulous Firstie

Claire is now on her way to second grade! She had a great year at Doral Academy and got mostly As with a few Bs sprinkled in throughout the year. I am very proud of her and wish she was as pleased with her grades as I am. She got very upset when she had a B on her progress report and when I asked her what was wrong she said she wants all A+s. I swear I am trying to not let my perfectionist tendencies rub off on her - it might just be genetic, who knows...

She got all Es for Excellent on her behavioral categories, which honestly means the most to me and Matt. We want our kids to be good students and good classmates as well. Now to avoid this two month summer slide everyone is worried about...

Last Day of First Grade - It was Pajama Day too

First Day of First Grade - same shoes as above, just a size smaller :) 

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