Friday, October 24, 2014

Kid Quotes - The Baby!

About a month or more ago, Penelope and I were sitting out front with a blanket while the kids rode bikes and Penelope just bent down and talked to my stomach and said- "hello baby! Mom, there a baby in there?" What the heck!? I was only 11 weeks pregnant at the time and we hadn't told the kids anything yet, and even if we had, I didn't think Penelope would pick up on it so well. She is a bit older than Claire and Miles were when we had their next sibling, but I just thought it was the cutest thing. Or maybe she and the baby are just already connected. :)

When we did tell the kids the news that they would have another sibling, I was very nervous about Claire's reaction especially. In the past she has told me that sometimes she wishes it was just her with mom and dad. On the other hand, Miles asks me all the time for a brother. But when we showed them our ultrasound pictures and said there was a baby in my stomach, she smiled SO big and kept saying, "I just can't believe it, I can't believe it! We are having another baby! I can't believe it!" It was such a real, happy smile that she made me get a little teary eyed. Miles was cool with it - almost like it was expected news. 

In Claire's prayer this morning, she said, "Bless mom and the baby to be healthy. And bless mom that after the baby is born she won't throw up all over the place anymore."

When Claire told her cousin Genevieve that we were having another baby, I heard her say, "ANOTHER one?! How many kids is she gonna have??" Spoken like an only child, Genevieve. We are done after this one, don't worry. :) 

I unlocked the front door and opened the van and then started gathering up my things while the kids loaded up in the car. A neighbor walked by and chatted with the kids, as she usually does. I overheard Miles say, "And it's the size of an avocado!" They are just telling everyone about the baby - I had just told them the baby was the size of an avocado (I love those emails from Baby Center with a fruit or veggie comparison each week). I'm just glad they are excited enough to share. 

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