Saturday, October 4, 2014

Kid Quotes

Miles and Genevieve were talking in the back of the van about drinking alcohol for some reason the other day, saying how it's bad to drink and drive. Miles says, "Well only pirates drink alcohol!" Ironically, I think we are dressing up in a pirate theme for Halloween. :) 

Claire was coming up with P things for Penelope - she said your name is Penelope and your favorite color is pink, your favorite animal is puppies, your favorite exercise is pilates and your favorite popsicles are push pops. Claire was cracking herself up! I personally liked that she threw in the pilates reference. 

And the name Penelope just has so many nickname and "P" word potential. Too bad she doesn't like any of them - I call her Pumpkin Pie or Sweet P sometimes. She corrects me and says, "No, I not Pumpkin Pie, I'm Na-nelope!" She also doesn't like the name Penny unless her friend Ivy is the one calling her that. 

Penelope pointed to my chest and said, "What is that?" I said, "That's my chest." I don't want to call them anything else for fear she will repeat the term loudly and all the time. She laughed and said, "No, it's too big! Pfff!" You're not wrong, Penelope. 

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