Saturday, November 15, 2014

Kid Quotes - Penelope Style

Even though Penelope took a long time to talk, she jumped right into complete sentences once she did. Here are a few of her latest gems. 

I yawned and said I was tired. Penelope said, "I'm not tired mom, I'm happy." 

Sometimes I have Penelope on my lap or near me when I get upset with the other kids and yell at them for some reason or another. She says, "Mom, not so loud. It's ok." And then she hugs me and talks all soft like she is calming down a crazy person. Which she is. 

Her latest thing is to say, "Mom, I want you to want me" instead of will you hold me, or something like that. All I can think about are those song lyrics by Cheap Trick. 

I told Penelope to stay with Matt while I picked up the kids from school - she said, "I don't want to, he has pricklies." She is very much against stubble. 

Penelope got mad at Claire and Evie for singing the other day - Matt told her not to be mad. She said "Dad! I'm mad up to my eyebrows!" Haha awesome. I think she was looking at her face in the rearview mirror and she had angry eyes. 

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