Friday, February 3, 2017

Kid Quotes

Henry said a new word! He said, "Where'd he go?" all at once. This kid is my latest talker - and I keep predicting he will just bust out in full sentences soon.

Penelope chose a package of Smarties as her dollar store treat - probably the last candy I would pick for myself. She said, "Smarties make me smart! I'm a smarty!"

I was looking at Penelope in the rear view mirror and thinking how pretty she is, and how she doesn't look like me at all. :) I said, "How did you get those blue eyes?" She said, "They are green, not blue!" Sometimes kids say things and you assume they heard it from an adult and are repeating it, so I said, "Who told you you had green eyes?" Penelope said, "Actually, my brain told me." Well then.

I was trying to get Penelope to calm down for bedtime and she was all wired up for some reason. She is my most needy bedtime child, asking for so many songs and coming out over and over, insisting on the hallway light being on all night and the fan blasting her face even in the middle of winter. Anyway, I digress. I was asking her to calm down and close her eyes so her body would get sleepy, and in total exasperation she said, " But Mom, I'm NOCTURNAL!"

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