Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Things I Want to Remember About Newborns

Most days, the thought of never being pregnant again makes me feel pretty darn content. Pregnancy is not my favorite place to be. But the thought of never feeling a baby kick inside of you, or having a newborn to snuggle is bittersweet. I found a note on my phone that I wrote a year or more ago, probably in a sentimental mood about Henry growing out of that baby stage, that I wanted to record here.

Things I want to remember about having a newborn:

The way they arch their back and stick out their bum when you pick them up under their armpits 

Their little goat cries that break your heart and make you drop everything and pick them up 

Their fresh from heaven smell 

Gummy smiles 

The way their ears leave an imprint on my arm when I'm nursing them 

Smiles in their sleep

Hands that automatically hold your finger 

That moment where they dramatically stop nursing and throw their heads back with the most contented milk drunk face you ever saw

Baby blessings where your husband feels the spirit so strongly he gets emotional after just 3 words are spoken 

Here are my newborns...





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