Thursday, September 20, 2007

It's a girl!

So I am supposed to be taking a shower while my mom watches the baby, but I wanted to steal a moment to do this quick post and update everyone on Baby Hiller. After long months of not knowing - girl or boy - we finally got to have that one fantastic moment when we found out. I must say, it was just about worth all the yellow baby clothes. :)

Although I was scheduled to be induced on Wed the 19th, Claire Abigail Hiller decided not to wait and was born on Monday, September 17th at 5:53 pm. My water broke that morning at 4:30 am and we rushed over to Summerlin Hospital. I ended up having the crazy ride to the hospital after all.

I don't have any pictures yet off of my camera, but we will get some posted soon. She has a ton of black hair and it looks a bit curly. She weighed 8 lbs, 1 oz and is 19 3/4 inches long.

Matt is being a great support and loves her so much - he is counting her sneezes because they are just so darn cute... yes, we are going to be those parents I guess. The count is up to 10 sneezes I think, but he has missed a few... His goal to count until she's 18 might get a little difficult.

Anyway, we are all doing great. My mom is here and is helping a ton - we are getting excited to have her cook us dinner this week :)

Photos are coming soon!


Anonymous said...

CONGRATULATIONS! I am so happy for you guys! I can't wait to talk to you. I have so much that I want to say. I keep typing and then deleting. I will call you when life calms a little, or maybe I won't wait that long. I am very excited for you!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations, that is so exciting!! What a beautiful name and it is so much fun when they have a lot of hair. I hope all is going well. I can't wait to see pictures and to talk. I too will wait a bit and let you settle. Congratulations again!!

Don said...


Congrats from Scott, Don and Roger.

Alison Monaghan said...

Ahhh it's Baby Chiller!!!! I love it!!! :)

Can't wait to meet her and get her fitted for her first cheerleading outfit ;-)

Glad you're all doing well!

Pete Codella said...

Yeah for you guys! I had guessed it would be a girl, and I was right. Enjoy being sleep deprived for a few months. :) It’s a rush.