Friday, September 7, 2007

Round 2

Well, not much new to report on the baby front, other than the fact that the baby has moved down a little bit. The doctor measures how far the baby has "dropped" with the term "station." A zero station means it's right at the pelvic bone. Negative is above, positive is below (or basically you are in labor). I am at a -2, out of a possible -3, so still very high. But, that is better than it was last week.

Other fun things are happening though - for example, I have just developed a case of PUPPP - a rash that is very rare and itches like crazy, and the only cure is to deliver your baby. I have it on my arms and it looks like red goosebumps, basically. Also, the doc is concerned that my feet and legs are swelling even more (edema) and could develop into toxemia, which from all accounts is bad news and could be a reason to be induced. So, I guess a lot can change in a week.

I think I'm starting to feel ready for all those crazy home remedies for inducing labor... even though my last day of work is officially Sept 14th, I have no idea how I can keep my feet up all day long (per doc's orders) and work. Hopefully I can limit my meetings and just sit at my desk with my feet up.

Hurry up Baby Hiller!


Emily said...

Ahhh Shannon! As much as I hope we have our baby soon, I'm hoping you guys do too. You could even have yours before us. (I'll only be a little jealous if you do.) I hope this week goes by fast for you. I can't wait to see pictures of Baby Hiller. I want to know the sex, the name, all of the details just as soon as he/she is here! Good luck! You're almost there!!!

Matt and Shannon said...

What is your doc saying about the delivery? Are you on track for your due date? Inducing an option? What is the news? I should check your blog to find out... I never know if I should post my responses here, or on your blog. What is the blog etiquette? :)

Emily said...

NOTHING is going on here. Seriously, I wish something was going on! I've got an appointment Thurs. and we'll probably be inducing on Monday the 17th! Yippee!

Keep us updated. We're so excited for you guys!

PS. Maggie (my sis) is sending you a wedding invite. We are planning on being in town for her wedding, and want to see you guys. So come! Don't worry about a gift or anything. Just come for free dinner, dancing, and of course, to show off the new babies :)

Pete Codella said...

Where's that little Hiller? I was curious so I checked in. Perhaps since it's been a week since your last post you've already had him/her?