Sunday, September 21, 2008

No more working from home

So, it's official. I can no longer have a regular day to work from home. I have been working 2 days from home since January so I could be with Claire, and although it was getting difficult to balance things as Claire got older and wanted to play and move all around the house, I still really valued the extra time with her. I went to four days in the office and one day working "remotely" a few weeks ago, and then just got an email from my boss saying that anyone who was doing work from home had to stop by Sept 30 since it wasn't efficient for the firm. Maybe this is why I can't sleep and I am up blogging at 3 am...

I will miss things like seeing this while I'm typing at my desk.

Claire got underneath the desk and scared me half to death when her hand shot out on my keyboard. It was pretty funny though - she loves to hear the keys click clack and will do anything to get to them.


Jen H. said...

September 30th? That doesn't give you a lot of time to make a plan for what to do! I know! Just have another baby, then it will be more cost effective to stay home! :)

Becky said...

Those little fingers crack me up!

Becky said...

Those little fingers crack me up!

~ kietra ~ said...

That is so funny! She is such a doll. Anything they can do to get some attention!!! :)

Erick and Megan said...

That is a hilarious video! Kind of makes me think of Matty's eye thing (wish I could have seen that!) So sorry to hear about your work. What are you going to do now? Great lip gloss recipe, I want to try it! I can always use more! Do you like the eye shadow in it?

Jacqui said...

Sad you can't be there letting Claire clack on your keyboard! :( They didn't give you much time. So, when is #2 coming along? I told Jeff that if we were to have another (not that we will, but if...), and wanted them as close as Ethan and Eliza, we need to get pregnant next month! Crazy, crazy.

PS Your Claire is simply a doll baby. Darling! Come see us again soon in SLC.