Sunday, January 4, 2009

Day at the Park

We decided to get out to the park on Saturday to enjoy the clear weather and hang out before we had to go back to work on Monday. It looked nice out, but turned out to be windy and chilly. I guess it is January afterall... I don't pay attention to seasons in Las Vegas really, aside from the recent snowfall. I am trying to do more of the things that moms do - like take their kid outdoors sometimes :)

Another reason was we got a new Nikon camera as our couple Christmas present and we wanted to test it out. I love it because it takes pictures really fast - I am always missing the cute things Claire does with our little point and click digital camera.

Claire is a little dare devil - she is not afraid of the big kid slide, she loves to swing high, and she is not happy when she has to leave the freezing cold wind tunnel park.


Becky said...

I want that camera!!!

Emily said...

So so so cute! I should have called you guys. Steve worked all day Saturday and I was so bored and wanting someone to go to the park with me.

Looks like your camera does the job...cute smiles!

Kara said...

Great pictures! You captured some really cute smiles and you can tell she really loves the park.

Erika said...

I know it's winter, but what is up with Las Vegas? That place is too cold. I guess you can't feel the cold when you're that cute.

Jen H. said...

I can say with utter objectivity that every picture of my niece is beautiful. But that first one with her open mouthed smile on the swing? Come on, that is just too cute to even exist!!!