Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Pros and Cons

With Claire, we waited until she was born to find out what we were having - a boy or a girl. It was honestly one of the hardest things that this very impatient girl has had to do but I made Matt a deal that I'd be suprised.

I am honestly torn about the decision this time around - that one moment of finally finding out after months and months of pregnancy and hours and hours of labor was very intense and rewarding. But I live by lists, spreadsheets and planning things out. If we are having a boy, doesn't it make more sense to know what we need to get, and conversely with a girl, to know we don't really need anything? I mean, we are in a recession! Budgeting counts.

Check out this list of pros and cons that I found on and then take the survey to the right... we have an ultrasound in less than 3 weeks where we can find out.

Benefits of finding out:
• Many women say they feel a deeper bond with the baby once they know the sex and can picture a little boy or girl.
• You can prepare an older sibling for the arrival of a new little brother or sister.
• You can narrow down your list of baby names.
• You can pick out a gender-specific nursery theme or baby clothes, if you want to.

Benefits of waiting:
• You, your partner, and your family will have a delightful surprise on the day you give birth.
• Your desire to know whether your baby is a boy or a girl might motivate you during the toughest parts of labor.
• You'll be following in the tradition of your parents, your parents' parents, and so on.
• There will be no mistakes — what you see is what you get!


Karry said...

You know me - I love surprises. I vote for waiting.

Emily said...

FIND OUT! (That's in caps cause I'm yelling it all the way from TX.) I swear, that's what gets me through the second half of my pregnancies. The excitement of getting things ready for baby boy/girl. I'll be so fun to walk into a store and know if you're shopping for pink or blue!

We've got a week in Vegas starting Sunday. Half the time we'll be in Parowan, but we'll give you guys a call when we're in town and maybe we could grab lunch/dinner/a park playdate.

Stephanie Carmi said...

Are you going to do whatever your blog fans vote on?? How many times can I vote?

~ kietra ~ said...

I'm with the post above me: FIND OUT!!! (Yelling from MO!) I didn't really care for the "con" list too much.. the excitement will get you through the labor? What about the aggravation and worry of the last 4 months... just find out. I love to find out. Its easier to pick names because your list is shorter than if it had male AND female.. you can decorate your nursery, find great deals on clothes at yard sales (hint, hint!!), and its just a great suprise halfway through.. he he... that's my 2 bits. Best of luck!!

Emily said...

I'm pretty sure you know how I feel on this subject.

This article says that the only way to have a delightful surprise on delivery day is to NOT find out?! Lame. For me, I had to find out...who knows how I would react if I wanted a boy so bad and it was a girl and I didn't have 5 months to get ready. Yikes! If you don't care what you're having I can understand wanting to wait and be surprised.

Find out so we can go shopping together!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man!! In my mind, the list of pros for finding out is WAY better. I'm all for being prepared and organized!

Alifinale said...

You forgot a few pros.

- It breaks up a never ending pregnancy.
- Gives you more time to settle on a name that you like.
- Get Claire ready for a specific type of sibling.
- A baby in and of itself is an exciting surprise. You don't need any more motivation to get that thing out. Why not get surprised twice - once while it is still in you and making you uncomfortable and once when you get to actually hold a new baby!
- You have to find out. You weren't born in the 1800's for a reason - to get sex-telling ultrasounds and epidurals.

Jen H. said...

You know how I feel -- find out! The moment of delivery will feel no less special because you already knew the gender. It's practical to plan ahead, and if there is one thing you's practical! And that's a good thing!

Stephanie Carmi said...

We all clearly know what's best for you, Shan. FIND OUT the gender! :)

Erick and Megan said...

I say find out! And then call me! You waited last time. And it was really hard for me to wait!