Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Claire - 18 months already!

Claire had her 18 month check up last week - she passed with flying colors, but had to get two shots which is just always so not fun. I dread those shots more than anything - holding her down while the nurse gives them to her is awful! Whose face do you think Claire sees while getting the shots? Mine!!

I know I have the paper somewhere with all of her stats, but I do remember her weight and most of the percentages:

Weight - 23.1 pounds; as a frame of reference she weighed 20 pounds at 6 months old

Height - she had a growth spurt, she used to be in the lower percentage and now she is in the 50 to 75 percentile

Head - still small, in the 25% range. I hope her brother has a small head too!


She repeats most words that we say to her - and they are at least recognizable as the same word, if not exactly the same word. I'd guesstimate she knows at least 50 words now and is starting to put two and three words together more regularly. My favorites lately are "I'm coming!" "what's up?" and "where'd he go?"

She has started a bit of a sassy streak complete with serious looks and I swear she almost has the eye roll down. Most of the time she is still very happy and likes to run EVERYWHERE.

Claire and Ryan

The doctor said we could start potty training her if she shows us the right signs - she has the language skills and the interest (poop is her new favorite word!). But I guess a dry diaper after a night's sleep is a sign her body is ready and we are not even close to that yet. That's ok - we can wait awhile. Meanwhile we have the toddler toilets and books on using the toilet all ready to go! I would so love to only have one child in diapers at a time.


Kara said...

Potty training already?? Oh my gosh, she'll be ready for Kindergarten when she's two!! She's a genius! And so cute too!

Becky said...

She is looking more mature these days. Potty training?! That's what my doctor said, too. Ha! But every kid is different, and considering you say her favorite word is poop, she might just be ready. Mom says we were all potty trained by two.

Stephanie Carmi said...

Did you read about the 3-day potty training thing on Babycenter? The kid's supposed to be naked the whole time... anyways, it sounded plausible.

She's beautiful Shan!