Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I Don't Remember This

Mother Nature has a funny way of erasing all the bad memories of pregnancy from your mind just long enough for you to want to have another baby. But soon enough you remember all those crazy things that happen... and the not so fun parts come crashing back in.

I am now 14+ weeks along - in the 2nd trimester, fourth month, for those who don't count in weeks (I never did until I was pregnant). The baby is roughly the size of a lemon, which helps me visualize he or she a lot better.

I told Matt that this pregnancy feels a lot harder than with Claire - I am sick a lot more, and not just in the morning. Just because I am having kind of a pity party today, I'll tell you that I have been throwing up so hard that my nose starts to bleed and blood vessels break around my eyes. Yeah, it's not fun.

But then Matt says to me yesterday - well, you're complaining a lot less than last time. Wrong thing to say to a pregnant lady! :) He means "commenting on my pregnancy" less than last time. I'll give him his talking points, after all I am in PR.

Maybe I am toughening up, who knows?


Kara said...

I am SOOOO sorry that you have had such a hard time and been so sick! I totally know what it's like to throw up that hard and it sucks so bad. I really hope it gets better for you every day. Surely it will. Has everyone told you they think it's a boy cause it's been so different than it was with Claire? I thought I was having a girl this time cause it was so different, but I guess it just goes to show that every pregnancy is so different. It's too bad they don't get easier with each one instead of harder. Maybe it's cause you have a toddler to chase around and take care of too! Hang in there- it will pass!

Erika said...

Bloody nose from throwing up and broken blood vessels? I am so sorry. You do kind of forget how hard it is, but then it's kind of empowering to. You've done this once before, and you can do it again. I'm glad to hear that Matt is as clueless as to what to say as Bob was. "I will complain and you will shut up and listen!" I remember being pregnant and being so ticked at Bob for something he said or didn't say, or did or didn't do. He drove me so crazy during my pregnancies. Here's one for you: He thinks the hormones are a cop-out. Apparently they are because I didn't tear him limb from limb after he told me that.

I hope you feel better. And I so vote for finding out the sex. I liked talking to my belly and I always referred to the baby as "Baby Boy" or "Baby Girl". I still call my kids that.

Anonymous said...

Good thing we have drugs!!!! I hope they helped some what.

Vickey said...

I think the second pregnancy go around is harder physically because you have another little person that is depending on you and demanding things of you all the time.
However, since you have already been through this before and you kind of know what to expect. Before, you probably needed to verbally process all the things that were going on with your body more(something men don't really get-and they think it is complaining).
I pray for you every night! I am sorry you are so sick. It isn't easy to grow another human being. :)
On to the subject of finding out the sex: We found out with both, and I liked it. However, if we have a 3rd I will probably not find out, just to spice it up a little. Since you did it Matt's way the first time, I think you ought to do it your way (whichever what that is) this time.