Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Are We Campers?

Both Matt and I grew up going on regular camping trips, so we decided to try to answer that question by spending a weekend camping with my sister and her family up in Utah - about a four hour drive North. The forecast called for rain - we dared mock - and it rained all night Friday and most of the day on Saturday. We had a great time with the campfire - eating outside, cooking food on the grill. Camping is all about eating, at least to me. But nighttime was no picnic - we had a new tent, Claire had a new sleeping bag, but it wasn't enough to fight the rain, the crazy animal sounds all night and morning, and a close encounter with a wild animal in our campsite that we are hoping was a deer or a dog from a neighboring campsite. Not to mention my bladder is now the size of a pistachio and the flush toilets (thank goodness) were a few minutes down the road. Claire did not sleep - needless to say, we did not sleep.

So, maybe we're campers, but not with a toddler? The jury is still out. We might be brave enough to try again this summer - but whoever is pregnant at the time has the ultimate veto power when it comes to camping. We might be staying home...

Here are some pics mostly of Claire and McKinley - they had so much fun together. Claire got in trouble for something, I can't remember what exactly - I put her in timeout. McKinley came up to me, very polite and diplomatic, and said - "be nice to my friend Claire Bear, she's my cousin." How can you say no to that?


Jacqui said...

I love NOT camping! Ha ha. I see an RV or trailer in the background. That is MY kind of camping...right below the Best Western. Now that's roughing it.

Wild animal encounters? Not my cup of tea. The scenery looks awesome, though. And I tell ya, the trip was worth the picture of Clair with McKinley wearing those funny glasses. Priceless!

Stephanie Carmi said...

holy cow those are some very amazing shots of the girls. they are going to LOVE those photos later in life. what a great trip if not just to capture those memories for them. despite the time-out, rain and no sleep, i bet the two of them had a fantastic time together.

Kara said...

I'm sure Emily told you about our camping experience last summer- NO sleep! I swore we wouldn't go camping again until Nathan was 5! Well, he'll be three this summer and we'll have a baby and we'll be going again for Chris' family reunion in Aug. I think it will get better, and I hope we get some sleep. I love how cute Claire and her cousin are together- they will probably always be best buds!

Erika said...

I don't know if I should tell you were brave or crazy. I'm leaning more toward crazy. Just reading the title of this post, I thought, "You will have to pee the whole time!" I love to camp, but I hate using the outdoors as a latrine. I hate using the provided latrines. As I grow older I think Depends seem like the smartest way to go. Camping with a toddler, too? Yowza!

You did get some really cute pictures though. I agree, they will love them when they're older.