Monday, May 31, 2010

Memorial Day Camping

Every year, the Hillers go camping at Mt. Charleston. This year we were at Kyle Canyon. It used to feel way out of town, going north out of Las Vegas. But now there are so many houses built out that way, that the turn off is just about 5 minutes past the last housing development. Our campsite was only 25 minutes from a Cafe Rio (I timed it), but it was about 15 degrees cooler during the day, and got to under 30 degrees at night.

Matt and Claire went and set up our campsite Friday night, while Miles and I enjoyed some quiet time at home. It was really one of the few times I have been alone with just Miles for more than a few hours, and it was really nice to just cuddle with him and have nothing else going on. We joined the group Saturday morning and stayed until after dinner. Then we came back up Sunday morning too - the weather was so nice, and the food was good too! We had our requisite items - foil dinners, bacon and eggs, s'mores, grilled hamburgers, and pineapple brown sugar doughnuts (yes, I'm still doing the Biggest Loser)...

Claire was in heaven and loved hiking around the campground, playing with her cousins, and playing in the tent. A few times we started to panic because we couldn't find her, and after calling for her we heard her answer from the tent, sometimes hiding in another family members tent.

Miles was a happy camper, except when it came to nap time. I guess I should have just let him hang out as long as he was being good, but I wanted him to sleep so I walked up and down the campsite roads with him in the stroller for a good hour or so. With the hills and the stroller, I got in a decent workout.

1 comment:

Jen H. said...

It was a great weekend for the kids and the grown-ups! Aaron and Noah loved roughing it, while Ethan and I loved visiting the campsite until bedtime!