Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Miles' One Year Stats

Just a few weeks after his first birthday, here are his well-check stats. He is still on the lower end of the percentiles but I have no doubt he will be a tall young man. He has six teeth - two on the bottom and four on top. He's now up to 10 or 12 steps in a row - just enough to get to his destination and then he throws himself down to get the last foot or so. He also copies sounds really well - and can say the words tree, there (as in over there), and Claire (cuh). He likes to make rasberries with his mouth and spit all over the place. In fact, if he's upset and crying and you start to blow spit bubbles or make fart noises, he calms right down and starts to copy you. He's cute. I think we'll keep him.

Height - 30 inches - 25-50%

Weight - 20 lbs 13 oz - 10-25%

Head - 46.5 cm - 25-50%

1 comment:

Becky said...

He is cute, I think you should keep him too. :) And if you change your mind, I'll take him.