Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Opa! It's All Greek to Me

Did you know Opa! means to party? We did just that at the annual Greek Food Festival this year - and Claire was all about the dancing. Here are two videos of her on the dance floor with her scarf and Converse sneakers - she was surrounded by people teaching Greek dancing, families, old ladies, and kids and she wasn't scared or embarrassed one bit. I don't think I ever would have been brave enough to get out there if not for Claire wanting me to. We got the scarf for her at last year's festival, and miracle of miracles, we still had it AND I knew where to find it.

Miles was awesome - he liked all of the food and just kind of hung out near our table and climbed all over the double stroller like it was his personal jungle gym. I really expected to have to chase him all over the place, dodging Greek dancers and people balancing plates of gyros, spanikopita, dolmathes, souvlaki, or my favorite, loukamathes (honey puffs). The weather was warm for September, but once the sun went down it was nice.

Matt and Miles had a good time watching the dancing - I think Miles was liking Matt's new haircut more though. He finally got to shave it off (i.e. I finally let him).

1 comment:

Becky said...

I just about busted my gutt laughing at Claire's dancing, her little leg kicks and stomping. I do love her scarf. I think it's so fun that you guys go to the Greek festival. I'm jealous, I wish I could make Danny go to stuff like that.