Saturday, November 6, 2010

Family Double Date to GVR

We had perfect weather this weekend at Green Valley Ranch for our double date with the Askeroths. We had a great dinner at Lucille's BBQ and then went over to the carousel. Miles wasn't so sure about it at first, but he was waiting at the gate anxious to go in with the big kids.

Then we told him we had to leave the carousel... I felt mean (for a second) for snapping this picture instead of comforting him - he seemed so heartbroken!

We distracted him with the huge Christmas decorations that are already out - running around the tree and presents, and just generally running everywhere! It was a fun night with perfect weather - low 70s, nice cool breeze. One of those nights where you remember that Vegas eventually pays you back for making it through the summer temps.


Beej said...

Oh, the "post ride meltdown". I've seen it many times. His crying face is so cute. My Dad says the hardest thing he had to do at Disneyland was pry Addy's cold clammy hands off that carousel!

Becky said...

Miles does seem pretty heart broken. You mean mom. :) Looks like a bunch of fun, not the crying part, the fun night.