Wednesday, April 18, 2012


I find random things in my purse during the week - most often on a Monday or Tuesday after taking the kids around town for the weekend. Trying to not use a diaper bag leads to using my purse for kid stuff. I guess I better get used to the diaper bag again soon...

Anyway, when I find these little items in my purse while at work, I get a little sad and start missing the kids. Here are some of the random pieces of childhood that I have found in my purse of late:

1. Rocks collected from the park
2. Lots of Cafe Rio mints collected by Miles
3. An alien from Toy Story
4. Crayons
5. More rocks (big collectors item for my kids)
6. Pictures on my phone taken by Claire
7. A diaper
8. Plastic bag of beef jerky (yikes)