Friday, June 29, 2012

Pumping, and Other Awkward Motherhood Moments

Pump, pump, pump it up! Pump, pump, pump it up!

This is the song I hear in my head (thanks Matt) every time I bring out the good 'ole Medela breast pump. I have started pumping once a day to build up a supply of milk for Matt to practice feeding Penelope before I go back to work, and to maybe allow me to leave the house for 30 minutes unaccompanied prior to that. Pumping is important to me because in some ways, it makes me feel like a good mom and helps dispel some of the working mommy guilt. If I can fill up a few of those sterilized bags with milk while I'm away, then Penelope still gets the benefits of breast milk. And then I feel some personal pride when she gains a healthy amount of weight at each check up. Is that weird?

Anyway, that said, it is very difficult to pump when I have two very inquisitive children around. I don't remember hardly anything about my siblings from my younger years, and I am the oldest of 5 kids. I only remember my youngest brother coming home from the hospital, and I was 11 by then. So I have hope that my kids won't remember any of the awkward discussions we have had about body parts lately.

For example, I brought out the breast pump with the two little funnels and Claire says, What is THAT?! I say, Well, it's a pump to get milk out for the baby so she can drink out of a bottle. But HOW does it come out? Well, it gets squeezed (tortured) out. Where does the milk come from? I decided to get technical in the hopes Claire will stop asking me questions - There are milk ducts in the breast that produce milk and then the baby sucks and that brings the milk out so it comes out like a bottle.  But where does it come out of? Uh, the nipple (note that I take no ownership of said nipple). So the milk comes out of a hole? Actually, it's a lot of little holes. Oh, ... neat. 

Miles takes a more physical approach - he wants to be up close and personal. I cover myself up with a blanket when they are around, but I admit that I am not hiding away in my room or anything. Pumping can take awhile so I want to watch TV while I "express" myself. Miles wants to see what is underneath the blanket - and frankly, "the girls" look a little weird and I don't want to answer his questions that I know are coming. He is persistent though and pulls the blanket off - such a stinker! Then he puts his head really close to the pump. Really. Close. He also does this when I am nursing too. It feels like I am nursing two kids at once.

Other than pumping, it is also fun to have your kids walk in when you are getting out of the shower and ask - what is THAT? while pointing to your stomach. I am pretty sure I have only lost 8 lbs 1 oz after giving birth to Penelope. I have joined Weight Watchers again, but have yet to completely join mentally, but that's another story.

The other thing that is really awkward for me of late is that Miles is wearing underwear since he is being potty trained. Big boy underwear provides unprecedented access to his little boy parts. He is constantly putting his hands down his pants and it's driving me crazy!!! I don't want to make a big deal about it in case that makes him do it even more, but I am afraid if I ignore it, we will have some embarrassing public displays.   Also, he almost always puts his underwear on backwards and insists that it is comfortable this way. Silly kid. Moms of little boys - any tips?
And the best, is when all of these moments are combined. When I am nursing or pumping, Claire is quizzing me on body parts and then Miles takes his cue to have an accident on the bathroom floor, just inches away from the toilet (though he is doing pretty good actually). Fun times.


Emily said...

Hahahahahahaha! Best post ever! And best pic of Miles ever! What a cute little bum!Keep up the great work mama of 3! You're doing awesome!!!

Kara said...

Oh my goodness- I'm laughing out loud for reals!! That picture of Miles with the underwear on backwards is killing me! And I'm picturing him up close and personal with the pump- too funny! Wish I had some solid advice for you, but I have a 3+ year old that won't even go near the toilet and I'm not pumping or nursing a newborn either. All I can say is keep it up! You'll figure it out, and yes, they'll probably forget all this someday!

Emily said...

Too funny, Shannon. I've already started pumping as well, and my boys are very curious about the pump and breast feeding. Soren got his face right up in it, just like you say Miles does. I can totally relate. And as for putting hands in the underwear, it starts to wear off eventually. I used to tell Soren to keep his hands off all the time. He's starting to understand about germs and keeping clean, so he's much better now. It will get easier! Good luck!

Becky said...

I as well am laughing out loud. Oh the joys of being a mommy. Miles looks so cute wih his little buttcheek hanging out! Hilarious!! I didn't know you had started potty training. I hope the drive here goes well.