Claire is a good eater but she knows what she likes and what she doesn't like. She usually picks out all the extras - olives, onions, peppers, etc. She didn't eat the onions in a pasta salad I made and my mom asked her if she would finish her food. Claire said, "I don't like onions, they make my eyes sad."
I meant to post this earlier, but Claire had some suggestions for what to name our baby. About two weeks before Penelope was born, she said, "So, Mom. Do you have like, any names for our baby?" I told her a few of our name ideas, and she said, "Ok, my turn. What about Kanda for a girl or Zam for a boy. Ok, it's your turn to make up a word." So it seems that to Claire, names are just made up words. Other "words" she suggested for the baby were Twilla for a girl, or Truleaf or Erlin for a boy. Maybe for baby #4? Yeah, probably not.
Claire went up to my Uncle Kevin and said, "Do you know me and Miles are twins now? We have bunk beds!" I guess twins share a room and get to be bunk-mates :)
I had some of my sewing stuff out and Claire found the little tomato shaped pin holder that I have used for years. She said, "Mom, what is this tomato for?" I told her how it holds the sewing pins when I sew. She thought on that for a few seconds, nodded her head knowingly, and said, "Impressive."
Impressive, indeed! I love me some Claire quotes!
Claire is a riot! I think she thought Penelope was going to be an elf with some of those names. And I'm pretty sure that she's not alone thinking that having and naming a baby just requires you to make up a name.
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