Sunday, January 20, 2013

Bottle Baby

I am pretty sure yesterday was my last day nursing Penelope. She and I seem to have come to a mutual agreement that we are done. This is a complete 180 change since those first weeks after my maternity leave when Penelope refused a bottle and I had to meet Matt for lunch to nurse her.

After two nursing strikes over the past 2 months, the first for almost 3 days and the second for 6 days, I decided to start weaning Penelope so I could finish nursing on my own terms. A strike is when a baby suddenly stops nursing - like they nurse in the morning and then in the afternoon they refuse to even try and often cry or keep their mouths closed tight. It was emotional for me, and physically painful to be so full of milk.

She eventually came around and nursed again, though I can't be 100% sure why she ever did go on strike. I am guessing the first was pain from teething and the second my "strong" reaction to being bit multiple times (I just yelled NO! pretty loudly and she started crying, but did continue nursing that day, so who knows...).  Everything you find online about nursing strikes is from crazy La Leche League ladies who feel like there is absolutely no good reason to stop nursing. One lady was so upset that her 23 month old had stopped nursing after he fell and hurt his tooth while RUNNING! Let it go, ladies. I need to create a website for women who want to nurse, dare I say even like to nurse, but don't want to nurse for years. It's ok to do what is right for you and your baby, I just don't like someone saying you are a good mom or not if you nurse. Ok - off my soap box.

I started cutting out pumping sessions until I didn't pump at all anymore at work. I felt naked going into work with only a purse and laptop. That took about a month to get down to morning feedings only and then bottle the rest of the day. Penelope is a solid 19 lb baby (she was weighed this week when we took her in for croup - not fun!). She takes baby food really well and is very interested in our food and in feeding herself. We will be ok.

1 comment:

Emily said...

Who in the world cried about their almost 2 year old not nursing?!? Crazy! You go Shannon! You rock for holding out and trying to nurse for as long as you did. I've always though that as long as it was successful for both the mama and the baby, then you nurse. But once that stops, then you stop. Penelope is gorgeous! Good job mama!