Tuesday, March 26, 2013

MeMa's Birthday Fiesta

We had a gluten-free Mexican fiesta for Betty's birthday earlier this week and it was dee-licious, if I do say so myself. Betty makes us dinner just about every Sunday, so it's only fair that for her birthday everything on the menu is safe for her to eat. I just consider it practice for when one of my kids ends up with Celiac Disease and we have to go gluten free too (it's hereditary).

Claire was very concerned that we make sure MeMa could eat everything, asking - Is that gluten free, Mom? Are you sure? We went to Brighton for some jewelry and Claire asked if that was gluten free too. I think we were safe with the earrings. :)

The kids were in sport court heaven in Jonelle's backyard - almost an acre lot in Vegas? Unheard of. But their house was built in the 80s so they actually have some room to play. Jen said that Miles would shoot the basketball and get about half way up to the basket, and each time he would say, "Oh, so close!" Someday you will be dunking the ball, buddy.

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